umg kabelschuhe

The SeKi ® cable lugs are available as fork, ring, tubular and pin cable lugs. These enable the electrical connection of cables and conductors with screws.

The cable lugs made of electrolytic copper are galvanized to provide protection from corrosion.

A wide range of cable lugs for different cross-sections and thread sizes is available as bare and insulated versions.



  • Different types: fork cable lugs, ring cable lugs, tubular cable lugs and püin cable lugs
  • Different diameter: 0.50mm2 to 150mm2
  • Different hole sizes: M3 to M16
gabel 40
Fork cable lug
0,5-1,5mm2 - M3-M6
gabel 15
Fork cable lug
1,5-2,5mm2 - M3-M8
gabel 40
Fork cable lug
4,0-6,0mm2 - M3-M6
ring 05 b
Ring cable lug
0,5-1,5mm2 - bare - M3-M10
ring 05 i
Ring cable lug
0,5-1,5mm2 - insulated - M3-M10
ring 15 b
Ring cable lug
1,5-2,5mm2 - bare - M3-M12
ring 15 i
Ring cable lug
1,5-2,5mm2 - insulated - M3-M10
ring 40 b
Ring cable lug
4,0-6,0mm2 - bare - M4-M12
ring 40 i
Ring cable lug
4,0-6,0mm2 - insulated - M3-M10
ring 60 b
Ring cable lug
6,0-10,0mm2 - bare - M5-M12
ring 100 b
Ring cable lug
10,0-16,0mm2 - bare - M5-M12
ring 160 b
Ring cable lug
16,0-25,0mm2 - bare - M5-M16
ring 300 b
Ring cable lug
30,0-50,0mm2 - bare - M6-M12
ring 500 b
Ring cable lug
50,0-70,0mm2 - bare - M6-M12
ring 700 b
Ring cable lug
70,0-95,0mm2 - bare - M6-M16
rohr 6
Tubular cable lug
6mm2 - bare - M5-M8
rohr 10
Tubular cable lug
10mm2 - bare - M5-M10
rohr 16
Tubular cable lug
16mm2 - bare - M6-M10
rohr 25
Tubular cable lug
25mm2 - bare - M6-M12
rohr 35
Tubular cable lug
35mm2 - bare - M6-M10
rohr 50
Tubular cable lug
50mm2 - bare - M6-M12
rohr 70
Tubular cable lug
70mm2 - bare - M6-M14
rohr 95
Tubular cable lug
95mm2 - bare - M8-M12
rohr 120
Tubular cable lug
120mm2 - bare - M8-M16
rohr 150
Tubular cable lug
150mm2 - bare - M10-M16
stift 05
Pin cable lug
0,5-1,5mm2 - insulated
stift 15
Pin cable lug
1,5-2,5mm2 - insulated
stift 40
Pin cable lug
4,0-6,0mm2 - insulated


About SeKi

SeKi is a brand of Matrix Handels GmbH. With the consciously minimal and simple SeKi remote controls, via cables and LED accessories, SeKi positions itself with a wide range of products in the electronic sector.


Matrix Handels GmbH
Nadlerstrasse 1
91183 Abenberg

Phone: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 0
Fax: +49 (0)9178 - 99 6 99 20

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